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Hear what the Spirit says to the churches. Rev 3:22 (KJV)


Prophet Nobin Samson

Our Minister

Nobin Samson is a prophet to the nations and the founder of Nobin Samson Ministries. He is an international itinerant minister who is recognised as a prophetic voice and messenger throughout the world. He has been supernaturally commissioned by God to help “Prepare a People for His Presence”, so that the church is prepared for the soon coming King and to help reap the end time harvest. Nobin Samson regularly teaches and imparts to leaders and ministers throughout the world.  God has called him to Raise and Release a new breed of pastors, ministers and spiritual leaders into the earth. The Lord uses Nobin Samson mightily in miracles of healing, deliverance, the gift of the word of knowledge, word of wisdom and prophecy. His prophetic utterances have been delivered to heads of government, churches, conferences and individuals throughout the world. He regularly conducts the “Eagles Nest: prophetic seminar” in which the people of God are taught, imparted to, and activated into the gifts of the Spirit.

He resides in Great Britain and has founded and raised two churches in the United Kingdom. He spent part of his life as a missionary in South East Asia, India and Mexico. He is prolific writer and has authored many books such as “Humility: unleashing spiritual power”, “God showed me heaven and hell” and “The Eagles Nest: prophetic manual”. He is a sought after apostolic minister, with a passion to see the glory and power of God manifested. He desires to see the Church passionate in her love for the Lord Jesus while being clothed in humility and walking in holiness. 

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